Imitation leather other than genuine leather is called artificial synthetic leather, but the synthetic leather currently used in the market can be divided into PVC, semi-PU, PU, microfiber leather, imitation microfiber leather, water-based leather, solvent-free leather, etc., making people stupid. Stupid not clear.
1. PVC leather
From the manufacturing process of PVC leather, it can be divided into calendered PVC and release coated PVC, commonly known as semi-PU. Compared with calendered PVC, semi-PU has higher manufacturing stability and meets the high requirements of the market for products, such as color water, first However, the semi-PU manufacturing process is more complicated than calendered PVC, so the price will be relatively high. The calendered PVC production process is simpler and has reproducibility. Therefore, it has a relatively high price advantage, so calendered PVC has also been widely used correspondingly. At the same time, calendered PVC is also the earliest widely used product of synthetic leather.
2. PU leather
Due to the flexibility, ductility, toughness, temperature-affected instability, and environmental protection of PVC products, it is increasingly unable to meet the requirements of the society and the commodity market, resulting in PU synthetic leather.
The earliest PU leather has been unprecedented development and use in clothing, and it has laid a solid foundation for the diversification and multi-quality development of PU leather in the future. At the same time, PU leather has appeared in luggage, shoes and other products. The development of multi-quality, but the production of PU synthetic leather is more complicated, and the price of raw materials is higher. Therefore, PU leather also produces correspondingly high prices while meeting social needs.
3. Microfiber leather, water-based leather, solvent-free leather
Due to social demand, high requirements for high environmental protection, high quality, low carbon, low energy consumption, low pollution, etc., the new generation of synthetic leather products that have emerged one after another are priced correspondingly to other synthetic leathers with higher prices and better quality. Good, excellent cold resistance, breathability, and aging resistance are also praised and favored by big-name leather designers at home and abroad. Perhaps these new types of leather represent the direction of the development of artificial leather, but because this is a technological product, it is concentrated in the production of powerful domestic and foreign production enterprises, which has a certain monopoly, resulting in high product prices. Due to various reasons such as price and applicability, these new types of synthetic leather have not been widely used in the leather industry.